Funny Boy Dance After Shooting Self in Nuts

VIDEO: The 50 Most Painful Nut Shots in Sports History

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    It is inevitable, and almost always hilarious unless it happens to you. In any random moment, while playing your favorite sport, you are susceptible to...the nut shot.

    This is the less glamorous side of sports that most would like to avoid, but all would want to see. When most sports networks and media outlets will not bring it to you, we proudly present: The 50 Most Outrageous Sports Nut Shots of All Time. Enjoy!

    Also check out this one:The 50 Greatest Football Catches of All Time

    24,500 people already have!

50. Why Don't These Guys Wear Cups?

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    Here is one of the most graceful acts in all of sports, the "Pbars." However, even these guys make mistakes. Watch this guy BOUNCE off the bar.

49. Even Jumping Can't Escape The Nut Shot!

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    Watch this pole vaulter jump up and over the bar, only to get sack-tapped by the bar as he is coming down. Maybe the bar got fed up with getting bent and doing all the work...

48. Pool Trick Prank

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    This poor guy is the victim of a combination deal: His buddies' pool skills, and his buddies' evil imagination. Why would anyone volunteer to lean over a pool table while someone takes aim at the cue ball directly in front of them?

47. Pool Trick Nut Shot No.2

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    This video is entirely too long, but when they finally get it right, the guy takes it like a champ! This video reminds me of college, only I was holding the cue stick.

46. Brett Butler's Got a Prodigy on His Hands, and an Ice Pack

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    Courtesy of Best Damn Sports Show Period is the Top 50 Blooper Reel, and Brett Butler getting hit in the tea bag by his son after tossing him a tennis ball. His son hits the ball with a wiffle bat, and it just-so-happens to come right back at Butler, in that little area. Clip is located at 1:18 in the video.

45. Which Ball Is More Red Now?

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    This Dodgeballer was out, and down for the count on the same throw. Maybe if Vince Vaughn and Lance Armstrong showed up at this tournament, they could teach this guy a thing or two about how to dodge a ball, and get up a little quicker at the same time.

44. Even Video Game Athletes Feel The Pain

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    This is a great video showing a goal scored directly off the rebound of a shot to the nuts in FIFA '09, posted to YouTube.

    Watch the corner kick hit the scrum in the middle, then a header to the balls of a defender near the goal, and the bounce hits its mark again.

43. Pond Hockey For Reals

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    Pond Hockey is a storied tradition in the great white north and eastern United States. With all the folklore and glory of pick-up games on naturally produced ice, here is a story that rises to the top, but carries neither tradition nor glory.

    At least he already has ice at his disposal, so hitting the ground is useful.

42. Video Surveillance Nut Shot

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    Something tells me Sports Authority has seen a recent decline in applicants. Secondly, where is this store located? Possibly Irvine, California because nothing else is going on here more important than this nut shot. Where else could you find surveillance video of a non-crime?

41. Great Golf Commercial!

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    This is another staged nut shot, but no matter how the shot occurs, just the mere thought of this actually happening makes you crack a small smile. Just think how amazing television commercials could be if it wasn't for the FCC...

40. Staged, But Still Hilarious!

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    This video is obviously scripted and altered, but the concept is still funny and the video is pretty creative. Keep an eye on the ball, and watch one of the defenders try to hide.

39. Pole Vaulter Takes "Sit on It" Literally

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    Watch the pole actually bend under his weight and bounce away. Folks, this is not an optical illusion, this pole vaulter actually gets chiefed by the pole. YIKES!!!

38. Nerf Nutter Butter

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    Dude intentionally takes a Nerf football in the nads from about 75 yards away. Which one screams louder?

37. Old Guys Rule, Smokers Drool!

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    Keep an eye on the top of the screen in this one. The video seems almost too perfect, which makes me think it may have been staged. Even so, how many of you want to do this when someone blows their second-hand smoke in your face?

36. Kicking The Wrong Ball

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    It is one of those things where you know it is bound to happen, and you just hope you are there to witness it. With all the kicking and legs flailing in soccer, a nut shot is bound to happen, and luckily this one was caught on tape.

    In true soccer style, even the guy doing the kicking goes down as if he is the victim. Classic!

35. These Games Are Getting So Realistic!

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    MLB The Show boasts as being the most realistic sports video game ever, and for good reason. Watch the real-life reaction of the umpire as he is hit in the chimes.

34. I Can Understand Blocking a Slap Shot With Your Stick, But Your Nuts?

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    This video is just wrong on so many levels. Patrick Thoreson slides to defend a shot, and takes the full force of a slap shot in the chode, only for the team to score a few seconds later, making his effort all-for-not but still completely embarrassing.

    Have you ever been flicked in the ear on a cold day? Imagine taking one in the chimes on ice!

33. Big or Small, It Sure Still Hurts Getting Drilled in The Balls

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    All jokes (and rhymes) aside, no one wants to see a kid get hit in the twig and berries in Little League...until you are in front of your computer and no one will think less of you for laughing hysterically!

32. Skater: Meet Utility Wire, Wire: Meet Skater's Twins

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    Skaters miss tricks all the time, they are used to it. So when a skater misses a trick attempt, what could make it even better? A shot to the gonads from a utility wire anchored 15 feet into the ground.

31. Getting Hit in The Balls By The Pope

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    Seton Hall's Herb Pope earned an ejection after hitting a Texas Tech player in the wedding tackle twice in the same game. The video has great replays with slo-mo so you can see Pope deliberately aiming for that region.

30. Short, But Sweetly Painful

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    The video may only be six seconds long, but the pain certainly lasted for quite some time. This clip was only made possible due to a perfect bounce and timing of the skateboard and kid combo.

29. Girl Gets The Credit Card Treatment

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    I bet when you saw the title for this slideshow, you didn't think a girl would make the countdown. Well guess again! This chick treats her sand-papery skateboard like her boyfriend's credit card. Maybe that will teach her a lesson!

28. Rollerblader Gets Nut Shot Doggy Style

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    Here is a nut shot in reverse, well...sort of. Watch as this guy tries to do a rotation in mid-air, only to whiff and take it backwards.

27. Taylor Brayton Cheap Shot on Jerramy Stevens

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    So Taylor Brayton fights like a girl. Watch him knee Jerramy Stevens in the balls while slap fighting with him.

    "Oww, that really hurt! I'm gonna have a lump there you idiot! Who throws a shoe!? Honestly! You fight like a woman!"

                            -Austin Powers

26. Chris Paul Makes a Cheap Shot

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    Julius Hodge is the victim of an underhanded attack from Chris Paul. Watch the replay as Hodge had no idea what hit him.

25. White Sox-Tigers Hit-By-Pitch

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    Ok, quiz time: Can you name the players in this video? Name as many as you can and post the answers as a comment to the article!

24. This Is Why Infielders Wear Cups

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    This poor little first baseman is the victim of a run-by sack-tapping. The baserunner hits him in stride and keeps right on going all the way to third base.

23. One Cheap Shot Deserves Another

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    This high school receiver takes exception to getting hit from behind while defenseless on an horribly over-thrown pass. So he takes matter into his own hands, or in this case cleats, and takes care of his attacker.

22. MMA Fighter Craig Reishus

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    This is an unfortunate possibility of fighting hand-to-hand, foot-to-foot without pads. Looks like even the ultimate tough MMA guys can't stay on their feet after taking it in the danger zone.

21. Winning Isn't Everything

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    This was some sort of contest in which the contestant willing gets hit in the balls by a right hook from a hot chick. I'm not so sure if winning this competition is the right way to go...

20. Racquetball To The Balls

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    Nevermind trying to figure out why it appears these kids are playing racquetball in a green room. Just enjoy this unsuspecting kid get hit in the balls by his own shot.

19. Ref Kets K.O'ed on Tip Off

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    This is why you toss the ball up and get the hell out of there! This ref gets drilled by one of the basketball players coming back down after a jump ball.

18. It's About Time Short Shorts Get Their Dues!

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    Here is something else I do not understand about soccer: Why do their officials wear such tiny shorts and long socks? Anyway, I would have my revenge as you will see in this video. Down with the short shorts!

17. Skateboard Toilet Paper

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    Here is another doomed skateboarder miraculously getting the timing of his board tipping on its end in perfect unison with his weight coming down from the ramp. This looks like a straight line bruise if you know what I mean...

16. Tennis Legend Roger Federer Embarrassed in Front of Martina Hingis

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    At the 2001 Hopman Cup, Roger Federer was playing doubles with Martina Hingis, one of the hottest tennis players to ever live. Watch as he takes his time recovering while playing his racket like an air guitar.

15. Rugby Knee To The Nuts

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    Rugby players are some of the toughest athletes on the planet, as evident by the continuation of play despite this guy getting hit in the coin purse. An errant knee is the culprit in this one, and the video is slowed down nicely to see the impact.

14. Blake Griffin Hit in The Chimes

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    This was a blatent knee to the nuts while Blake Griffin was an Oklahoma Sooner. Watch the USC player approach him, knee him in the nuts, then act like nothing happened.

13. LeBron James High School Moment To Forget

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    LeBron James made a name for himself in high school, but it probably wasn't because of this moment on the court. Watch carefully as he gets hit in the piss pump by the elbow of the ball handler.

12. LeBron James Bonus

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    For many athletes, getting caught on camera while getting hit in the balls is a once-in-a-career kind of thing, and even then, it rarely happens. But for LeBron James, it has happened twice and he is only 25 years old. Here he is again, this time running into the referee and getting tea-bagged by his elbow.

11. Joe Son Shows His "Testicular Fortitude"

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    You may want to look away for this one. UFC fighter Joe Son repeatedly gets punched in the balls by Keith Hackney, but continues to battle as if completely unharmed.

10. Oh The Mankind!

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    Mankind is a WWF legend, but not for this shot on John Cena (?). It may all be staged or fake, but just imagine then how painful this would be if it was actually happening.

9. What's Going on In The CFL?

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    Kevin Bell, QB for Toronto easily scores a touchdown in 2001 and decides to celebrate. However, his celebration looks more like a Chris Farley highlight from Saturday Night Live. Self-destruction and poor motor skills littler this celebration clip.

8. Chyna Uses Her Roided Backside To Nut Shot Eddie Guererro

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    Chyna made a name for herself with her famous groin smash move. But in this one, she actually uses her backside to smash Eddie Guererro's berries.

7. Painted Balls

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    Props to the little bro in this clip for willfully taking a paintball to the crotch. There are thousands of grown men out there who wouldn't have the balls to do this! The camera is very shaky, but you can clearly see the kid take it like a champ!

6. Nebraska Coach Gets Blind-Sided

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    Watch as the incomplete pass still finds its mark. Anyone else think this was a dirty move by the ref to side step the ball while screening the coach? Poor guy never even saw it coming.

5. Anderson Varejao Newest Victim of Celtics-Cavs Rivalry

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    It is a heads-up play: While jumping out of bounds without stepping on the baseline first, a player corrals the ball and hurls it off an opposing player while the ball bounces out of bounds.

    Celtics Guard Rajon Rondo completes this task, but earns bonus points for taking out Anderson Varejao in the process.

4. Poetic Justice Perhaps? Brett Favre Takes It in The Chimes

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    The newest media target gets it right in the bullseye during practice. Brett Favre cannot escape tabloids lately for his alleged sending of lewd picture messages to a member of the Jet's organization. However, this video that hit ESPN's SportsCenter might take the heat off for a while, but for the wrong reasons.

    Watch Favre non-shelontly miss a pass from a teammate and hit the ground rolling. Irony is a bitter bitch!

3. Dennis Rodman Kicks Cameraman

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    Dennis Rodman was known throughout his player career, and even after it for being a bad boy and a social menice, so kicking a cameraman in the nuts for sitting where he is allowed to sit didn't surprise too many people, but is still sensational.

2. The Deadly Touchdown Celebration Spike

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    This is perhaps the most famous touchdown spike you will ever see. Watch this arena football league video closely as the ref gets hit by the crazy bounce of the ball.

1. Rolling Rock's Nut Shots Is Top Notch

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    Check out this commercial from Rolling Rock. This one takes the cake for the sheer amount of nut shots in the same video. Each shot is just as funny, and the choreography and editing are outstanding!

    If you enjoyed this one, check out: The 25 College Mascots That Just Don't Fit With Their Schools


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